Best-Western-Palmareca Hotel - Chiapas/Tuxtla Gutierrez Hotels - http://chiap [ Ver sitio en Español ]
Best Western Palmareca
Hotel Description
Reservations Center

Blvd. Dr. Belisario Domínguez No.4120-2 Tuxtla Gutierrez

Best Western Palmareca resort features 16,404 square feet of green areas with regional fruit trees and plants. This place is an oasis of relaxation in the middle of modern Tuxtla Gutierrez, and the perfect lodging choice for adveturous visitors and business people.

All of the 80 guestrooms at Best Western Palmareca resort are fully equipped with an array of amenities, they also provide gorgeous views of the lawns and the mountains.

Pictures of Best Western Palmareca
Services Best Western Palmareca
Rooms : 80



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Chiapas Turista Best-Western-Palmareca

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